Sunday, September 1, 2024
at the Ingalls Event Center Barn
2024 Premium Book
Enter the Jr. Livestock Show
Entries due August 16, 2024
What a wonderful show we had last year in the new barn.
There are always some growing pains with change
and our move to the barn was no exception.
With that said, we have made a few adjustments
to make things even better for 2024.
It is your responsibility to READ the Premium Book.
As a participant in the show, you should be familiar with the general rules, and the rules for all divisions that you are participating in.
If you need clarification on any rules, please contact the chair of the livestock show.
●You will need a parking pass if parked in the turf after the fair opens at 4 PM.
All entries must be paid by Wednesday night following setup to the office to be eligible to show.
Admission buttons are good for all 4 days. Kids 10 and under are free.
Parking passes will be available to purchase for $20. These passes will be valid for the duration of the fair.
What is the Livestock Auction?
The auction is a result of a project taken on by local 4H and FFA members. Is is the culmination of an excellent learning experience for our youth which includes: animal selection and purchase, raising the animal, feed, animal maintenance, record keeping, grooming, and finally showing.
All animals have been judged and graded during the species shows leading up to the day of the sale. Your generous support recognizes the members’ efforts and will help ensure the success and continuation of their project.
How do I Bid?
Interested buyers register at the “Buyer Registration” table to obtain a buyer number and auction book. The auction book lists the animals to grade and placing for the sale order. All livestock and turkeys are sold by the head. This includes steers, pigs, goats and lambs. The meat chickens and rabbits are sold by the lot. The lot consists of three animals. .
When you purchase an animal a runner will bring you a sales slip for your signature. At that time you will select disposition. (Butcher or live pick up) All purchases will be paid at the end of the auction. Payments may be made with cash, check, or credit card. (There is a 3% transaction fee for credit cards.)
Add~ons are also encouraged. An add~on is a specific dollar amount donated to an exhibitor. Simplify fill out the add~on slip and return it with your payment to the buyer table at any time during the sale.
If you need help bidding just ask auction staff!
To contact the Livestock Show Superintendent please email Robin Grundmeyer at